One parent mentioned tying the project to last fall's camp out. Several have mentioned tying it to the students' current study of architecture.
A parent pointed out that making the gift very personal to the class (e.g. by including photos of the children) could make the item(s) less appealing to a larger audience.
Nicholas Hollenbeck seems to have an eye for photography. I wonder if we could use his photos in some way.
We can submit more than one item for the auction. Is it better to make them as similar as possible, or could they be different and of different 'value'?
Maybe the kids could paint, then we would seal it.
What about the kids create something inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright since this is what they have been studying?
This project was done with paper cutouts on clear contact film, but could probably be done with paint on glass (?).
An FLW piece for inspiration...
Decorative pillows, wall hanging, etc. made by felting. Can incorporate any theme.
Without the “My Prayer…” (or change the text), have each child draw or paint a bird and affix them to a canvas, on which they would have painted the branches of a tree.
Photos of the children from above, shaping them into flowers (not a snowflake), perhaps creating a garden. Hearts, etc.
Each child paints a small canvas in a particular range of colors; affix them to a board.
This is a great idea! As long as there is some consistency with colors, shapes or the theme so it's not too random...

Each child paints a small canvas to create a whole picture.
Each child paints a flower on an old glass window to create a garden.
Take each child’s photo; use the Pop Art style to make a collage of them together.